stood on business to end black history month. super grateful and privileged to have been chosen to speak at my alma mater for my first official ted talk. kinda full circle since i wish i had someone like me to speak to me when i was in college.
wild after all my years of challenging perceptions and sometimes just talking shit, it all worked out.
i was asked to speak on perception, perfect. dixon logic on stage.
squad up again. love y’all. keep going.

The theme for @tedxpvamu 2024 is “Living in Color”. To live in color means to move through moments, challenges, decisions, and goals with a childlike presence. As we get older, it is easy to lose sight of the simple things that bring us so much joy, like spending excessive time with our hobbies, learning new information and skills, living unapologetically, or being creative and developing solutions despite any challenges. We must remain childlike meaning we must stay bold, continue taking chances, and be unapologetic in our pursuit of life. We are looking for speakers who are pioneers in the irrespective fields, change agents of society, those who have truly embodied “Living in Color” in their lifestyles, and creative trendsetters.